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  • Saying Goodbye to Sockhop Family Member – Jane Page
    From the very early days of what was then called the “Salisbury Beach Sockhop”, Gary began to see what would be considered the “regulars” all of whom would become friends over the years. Two people who were very active as much more than listeners would become faces that we would look forward to seeing every week. That would be our official photographer Bob Page (responsible for many of the pictures on this site) and his wife and our official music librarian Jane Page. Unfortunately, following an illness that she had been battling for quite some time, we lost Jane on December 4th. She leaves us with so many fun memories, and a wish to be able to to be able to turn back the clock. Our heart felt condolences to Bob and the rest of the Page family.Those interested in doing something in her memory, details may be found in her obituary writeup from the Kevin B. Comeau Funeral Home of Haverhill MA.

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© 2000-2025 Gary Francis Productions, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, USA
The Saturday Night Sock Hop® is a Registered Trademark of Gary Francis Productions, Chelmsford, Mass.
The Boy, Girl & Record logo was created by Steve Rogan and is © 1997 by Gary Francis Productions and may not be used without license.